Does your Dog Eat Poop?
Let’s get down to business - in every sense of the word.
So, your dog eats poop. Sometimes its own, sometimes someone else's - the simple fact remains, and there’s no way we can really dress it up except for using its official name (yes, there is a proper term for poop-eating), and that’s coprophagia. Though it’s not something us humble humans are used to, it’s not so uncommon to the nifty noses of our pups, and there are a number of potential reasons why your pup's palette prefers the stinky stuff:
Nutrients. Some think pups turn to poop in search of nutrients which are lacking from their diet. It can also be an indication that your pup is experiencing mal-absorption of nutrients or deficiencies in their digestive system or digestive enzymes.
A learned behaviour. Your pup might have seen another, perhaps older dog doing it, and didn’t want to miss out!
Habit. Sometimes it can be a habit which they have come to enjoy, which can be tricky to break. It might also be that they associate going to the toilet as a bad behaviour and so are hiding 'evidence'.
Play. Sometimes dogs will play with their poo in the absence of other toys.
They like the taste. Upsetting, we know.
How to nip coprophagia in the bum. We mean bud:
Make sure your dog is well exercised and mentally stimulated. Bored dogs who spend a lot of time unengaged and sedentary could be more likely to develop such habits. Attending daycare during the week is a great way to keep your dog active and stimulated while there's no-one at home. Avoiding spending long periods alone, playing with other furry friends and having human interaction and supervision can work wonders for a variety of behavioural bumps which occur as a result of them being bored, lonely or frustrated.
Take a look at their diet to make sure they’re getting the right vitamins and enough of them. Addressing your pup’s diet with a nutritional expert could find the route of any dietary issues which may be causing them to seek the smelly snacks.
There are coprophagia deterrent products available as well as some foods which can be added to a meal which apparently make the resulting poop less appealing.
See the following articles for more information: