The Movement Therapy Theory
MOVEMENT THERAPY /ˈmuːvm(ə)nt/ are we giving our dogs the opportunity to move their bodies as often and as much as they need?
Dogs are active and explorative creatures by nature, and have been confined to urban areas for less than 6 generations
70% of the UK's dogs are reported to be either overweight or obese
An active lifestyle lowers the risk of obesity, joint disease, heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders as well as maintains a strong musculoskeletal system
Musculoskeletal atrophy (wastage) is prevented by moving your dog daily, especially important in their midlife years when you can focus on building endurance, excellent muscle mass and tone to carry them healthily into their geriatric years
In studies revolving around the oldest dogs recorded on earth, the one consistent variable was rigorous daily exercise
Activity and exercise increases meaningful AMPK, the anti-aging molecule
Even dogs who are not overweight can develop arthritis and other debilitating conditions that affect bones, joints, muscles and internal organs
Activity puts the joints through their natural full range of motion, building muscle tone, strengthening ligaments and tendons
An active lifestyle engages your dog's proprioception (mind and body synergy), leading to better balance, improved coordination and, as a result, less injury
Insufficient physical activity can foster hyperactivity, increased anxiety and destructive behaviours
70% of reported behavioural issues in dogs are attributable to some form of anxiety. There is an inverse relationship between exercise and anxiety; when exercise increases, anxiety decreases and vice versa
Behaviour and cognition will suffer without regular physical and or mental stimulation. Common undesirable behaviours in under exercised and under stimulated dogs include chewing, general rowdiness, jumping up, digging, mouthing, heightened reactivity, hyperactivity and so on
Exercises alters the brain chemistry, promoting brain cell growth and inducing an overall calmer state of being
Being in close contact with other dogs strengthens the immune system, much like at a children's nursery
Exercise enables lymphatic detoxification = (the lymph system is an important part of the immune system, keeping it clean and healthy is vital
Exercise and activity normalise and regulate the digestive system as well as manage blood sugar and reduce risk of insulin resistance and diabetes
Dogs require ample aerobic exercise in order to be physically and mentally resilient
Consistent daily exercise has profound long-term health benefits which are a prerequisite for a maximal health span. One of the greatest issues we see as dogs age is a loss of muscle tone, which sets the stage for weakness, progressive degenerative joint disease and decreased range and reduced range of motion
A healthy dog is an exercised dog. An exercised dog is a tired dog. A tired dog is a happy dog. A happy dog is everything.
