What's the world's oldest dog breed?
The Basenji is an ancient breed with a rich history that can be traced back thousands of years. Its origins can be found in Central Africa, particularly in regions that are now part of Congo, Sudan, and other surrounding areas. The breed was developed by African hunters to assist in hunting small game in dense forests.
Ancient Origins:
Basenjis are believed to be one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Evidence of dogs resembling Basenjis can be found in ancient Egyptian tombs and artifacts, dating back to around 2700 BC.
These dogs were highly valued for their hunting skills and unique characteristics, which made them ideal for hunting in the African forests.
Hunting and Utility: The Basenji was primarily used by native tribes for hunting small game like birds and small mammals due to their exceptional speed, agility, and keen sense of smell.
They were particularly well-suited for hunting in dense forests and were used to drive game into nets or catch prey for the hunters.
Introduction to the Western World: The Basenji caught the attention of European explorers and colonists in the 19th and early 20th centuries during their expeditions to Africa.
These explorers were impressed by the unique qualities of the Basenji and began bringing them back to Europe, introducing the breed to the Western world.
Recognition and Breed Development: The breed gained recognition and popularity in the early 20th century. The first Basenji standard was written in 1942 by Veronica Tudor-Williams, a prominent Basenji breeder and enthusiast.
The Basenji was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1943 and the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 1944.

The Saluki is one of the oldest and most ancient dog breeds, renowned for its elegance, speed, and grace.
Ancient Origins: The Saluki's origins can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia, particularly in the region now encompassing Iran and Iraq. Archaeological evidence, including carvings and artifacts, suggests the presence of Saluki-like dogs dating back to around 7000-6000 BC.
Historical Significance: The Saluki was highly prized by ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians. It was often depicted in ancient art, paintings, and carvings, illustrating its importance and value to these cultures.
The Egyptians especially held the Saluki in high regard, considering it a symbol of nobility and associating it with royalty.
Hunting and Utility: Salukis were primarily bred for hunting in harsh desert terrains. They were used to pursue gazelles, hares, and other game in the Middle East.
Their exceptional speed, keen sight, and endurance made them invaluable hunting companions.
Spread and Development: Over centuries, the breed spread across the Middle East and beyond, often adapting to various climates and terrains.
The breed was further refined in the region, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula and Persia (modern-day Iran), where selective breeding aimed to enhance their hunting capabilities and traits.
Introduction to the Western World: Salukis were introduced to the Western world during the 19th century, primarily through European travelers, soldiers, and diplomats returning from the Middle East.
The breed was initially referred to as "Persian Greyhounds" or "Eastern Greyhounds."
Recognition and Preservation: The Saluki was officially recognized by kennel clubs in the early 20th century. The first Saluki breed standard was established in England in 1923.
The breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1929, further promoting its popularity and recognition in the Western world.
Modern Role and Appreciation: Today, the Saluki is appreciated worldwide as a companion, show dog, and competitive athlete in lure coursing and other dog sports.
It is still highly regarded for its grace, agility, and loyalty, remaining a cherished breed with a unique historical and cultural significance.
